Balgo Care’s approach to enabling people to live a good life isto provide Positive Support 

For us, this means providing support which is personalised and holistic; a blend of people, approaches and resources which are tailored to an individual ‘s needs and wants. 
For many people who have profound and multiple learning disabilities and/or autism, being understood and getting the support that is right for them can be complicated. For some people, without the right support, day to day life can be really hard and as a result, their behaviour in turn can be challenging to both them and those around them. 
Our highly trained Intensive Support Team works across organisations to ensure staff are providing the highest levels of specialist support and that people and their families are able to live good, meaningful lives that work for them. 
Our support is individually tailored to the wants and needs of each person. This way of working is sometimes called “Person-Centred Support”.  We listen carefully to the person we are supporting as well as the people who know them best – such as families and carers – to help us understand what is really important to them and what will ensure they live safe, well and happy lives. 

We also apply a range of person-centred thinking “tools” to make sure this approach is deeply embedded into everything we do.  All roles within the Intensive Support Teamwork across the organisation, supporting teams to become skilled and confident at using person centred tools. 


Balgo Care’s outreach or domiciliary services are usually for people who live in their own homes and need support to remain independent.

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Supported Living

Our Supported Living Services provide innovative and person centred support enabling people with autism…

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Live-in Care

Live-in care is the new alternative to a care home, that puts care first. Your loved one stays in the place they know and love urrounded by…

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